Isaiah 30 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Isaiah 30

Concealed Miracles

God's concealed miracles are with us every day, but he desires to reveal them to us. In the future, everything that has been concealed with be revealed. A story in Midrash Tanchuma from Parashat Chukkat illustrates the concept of God's hidden miracles that are constantly with us.

Apocalypse of Esther

The Septuagint version of the book of Esther begins with a short apocalypse which introduces the spiritual war at work behind the scenes in the story of Esther. Listen to an important teaching about the concealment of God in this world, things transpiring behind the veil in story of Purim and the history of the Jewish people. A deceptively simple story about the revelation of the kingdom.

Ani Ma'amin (I believe)

What do Maimonides and the book of Hebrews have in common? Find out how the Talmud and the book of Hebrews intersect when it comes to the question of faith in Messiah.
The book of Hebrews continues with a call to hold fast to faith in the coming of the Messiah.

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