Isaac | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about Isaac

Does Hagar represent the Jews in slavery under the law while Sarah represents the Christians in freedom under grace? That's the conventional interpretation of Paul's parable in Galatians 4:22, but this teaching turns over that common interpretation by revealing the Jewish background to the story.

The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint." But what is the vision? Here's a talk on the vision behind Messianic Judaism for All Nations and how it differs from other forms of Judaism and Christianity. This teaching presents "the big picture" in the context of a discussion on Jacob's blessings over his sons at the end of the book of Genesis.  

Let's study parashat Toldot, the story of Isaac's family, starting with Genesis 25:19.

Follow along in Hebrew on Sefaria.

People often speak of "biblical marriage," but what does that actually look like? Learn about Rebekah's little-known mentor and why "love" is not a good basis for marriage in this teaching on Chayei Sarah from Aaron Eby.

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