Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 02/11/2016 • Posted 02/11/2016
Number 12 in the series Apocalypse of John

What does it mean that Yeshua comes as a “thief in the night”? The assembly of disciples in Sardis had a false reputation for being alive. The angel of Yeshua warned them to wake up or face the unwelcome and unanticipated visit of the thief in the night. This teaching explores Revelation 3:1-6 with emphasis on piety and connection to God in the practice of our faith.

Recorded 02/03/2016 • Posted 02/05/2016
Number 11 in the series Apocalypse of John

Revelation chapter two and the epistle to the assembly at Thyatira warns about a mysterious prophetess called Jezebel. Who is Jezebel of Thyatira, and what are the deep things of Satan which she taught? What does it mean to have a "Jezebel Spirit"? This teaching goes into the details of the Master's epistle to Thyatira, revealing a fascinating correlation to the Apostolic Decree in Acts 15.

I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. (Revelation 2:20)

Recorded 01/27/2016 • Posted 01/28/2016
Number 10 in the series Apocalypse of John

What is the hidden manna and the white stone promised to those who overcome? This teaching takes on the cryptic references of Revelation 2:17, digging into Jewish sources and the Torah to disclose the meaning of the hidden manna and the new name written on the white stone.

To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it. (Revelation 2:17)

Recorded 01/20/2016 • Posted 01/28/2016
Number 9 in the series Apocalypse of John

The city of Pergamum was one of the most famous places in the Roman world. In addition to a spas, hospitals, and a healing center there, the city boasted an enormous altar to the god Zeus. The story of Satan's throne in Pergamum and the martyr Antipas has a frightening corrolary in the modern world. Listen to a teaching on Revelation 2:13 to discover the meaning behind these cryptic references:

I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is; and you hold fast My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells. (Revelation 2:13)

Recorded 02/17/2010 • Posted 01/22/2016
Number 14 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

What happens when we find a discrepancy or a contradiction between the Gospel narratives? What do we do if Matthew says one thing but Luke says another? Do the discrepencies undermine the credibility of the New Testament? Asher Norman's reasons number eighteen and nineteen attempt to discredit the Gospels on the basis of seeming contradictions in the birth narratives and the names of the twelve disciples.

Recorded 01/07/2016 • Posted 01/07/2016
Number 8 in the series Apocalypse of John

Yeshua rebuked those who claim to be Jews but are not Jews, and he makes reference to the "synagogue of Satan." Who are “those who say they are Jews and are not Jews” who worship in a “synagogue of Satan”?  How do you know if you might not be one yourself? In this teaching, Pastor Lancaster presents an abbreviated version of his article "Synagogue of Satan," an article that appeared in Messiah Journal 113 and is to be included in the appendices of the forthcoming casebound edition of Torah Club: Chronicles of the Apostles.

I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2:9)

Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you. (Revelation 3:9)

Recorded 12/30/2015 • Posted 12/31/2015
Number 7 in the series Apocalypse of John

Who were the mysterious Nicolaitans mentioned in the second chapter of Revelation? Why did Yeshua specifically condemn that particular sect? What did they teach and how did they begin? How do we know if we are Nicolaitans or not?  In this teaching from the Apoclypse of John, we follow the clues to unlock the mystery behind this obscure abberation on early Christianity:

Yet this you do have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. (Revelation 2:6)

Recorded 12/23/2015 • Posted 12/24/2015

A teaching from Revelation 2 and a eulogy in respect of the passing of Beth Immanuel community elder Marvin Root (ז״ל).

Marvin Root (may his memory be a blessing), age 87, of Roseville, died on December 23, 2015, survived by wife Maryanna; children Maria (Barry) Stahl, Aaron (Vania) Laura (Vann) Cooley, 7 grandchildren, 1 grandson-in-law, & brother, Donald Jay (Cathy). Marvin was an elder in Beth Immanuel Sabbath Fellowship of Hudson, WI. He retired from Unisys where he worked as an engineer. Marvin leaves behind a legacy of Christian faith to his children & grandchildren.

Recorded 12/12/2015 • Posted 12/13/2015

The release of two stunning new statements, one by the Vatican and one by The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding & Dialogue (CJCUC) constitutes a Chanukah miracle and a “cease fire” of theological hostility which has characterized the relationship between the Church and the Jewish people for most of the last two thousand years. Listen to excerpts from the Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with Jews’ new paper titled “The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable” and the response from the CJCUC paper “To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians.”

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29)

Read both papers in full:

Vatican’s Commission for Religious Relations with Jews: The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable

CJCUC: To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven

Read Rabbi Mark Kinzer's book on Nostra Aetate, Messianic Judaism, and the Catholic Church

Rabbi Mark Kinzer: Searching Her Own Mystery


Recorded 12/09/2015 • Posted 12/10/2015
Number 6 in the series Apocalypse of John

The book of Revelation begins with seven epistles to seven churches. In this teaching, we work through Revelation 2:1-7, explaining the context and deriving practical applications from Yeshua's message to the assembly at Ephesus.

Recorded 12/10/2015 • Posted 12/10/2015
Number 6 in the series Shabbat beShabbato

Should I light a Hanukiah? What about Shabbat candles? Discover the connection between kindling the Sabbath lamps and the Chanukah lamps? Find out how the lighting of the Chanukah light brings holiness into this world and teaches us an important lesson about the value of the Sabbath. This teaching from Chanukah 2015 on Parashat Vayeshev includes reference to the San Bernadino terrorist attack.

Recorded 11/30/2015 • Posted 11/30/2015
Number 13 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

Was the New Testament written by eye-witnesses, or was it written generations after the life of Jesus? Reason Numbers 17 of Asher Norman’s book Twenty-Six Reasons Jews do not believe in Jesus states, “The Epistles and the Gospels were not written by the actual witnesses to the events they describe.” The argument attempts to prove a late date for the composition of the gospels, more than one hundred years after the events they purport to describe.

This teaching tells the story of the origin of the Gospels the origin of the New Testament cannon. Learn why critical scholars are so critical, and learn why the Gospel of John sounds different than the Synoptic Gospels.

Recorded 11/18/2015 • Posted 11/30/2015

Romans 14 leads some people to believe that the Sabbath and kosher laws may be willed away, since "each one should be fully convinced in his own mind." But can the reality of Torah be shaped and molded by our thoughts? Find out what Paul's statement "nothing is unclean" teaches us about differences of opinion within the Jewish community and the fellowship of Messiah's followers.

Recorded 11/30/2015 • Posted 11/30/2015

Colossians 2 is often cited to prove that the Torah’s commands—especially dietary laws and calendar observances—are not incumbent upon a follower of Yeshua, whether Jew or Gentile. But abolishing the Torah would have a devastating effect on the Jewish people. Learn the true context of this apostolic teaching and find out how the Sabbath, Rosh Chodesh, and holidays foreshadow the coming Messianic Kingdom.

Recorded 11/05/2015 • Posted 11/05/2015
Number 4 in the series Shabbat beShabbato

The hospitality of Abraham and Sarah provides the basis for a teaching of Yeshua in Matthew 10. Find out what it means to receive a prophet's reward and a righteous person's reward. Showing hospitality to guests is a mitzvah for which a person receives a reward in this world but the principle remains intact for the world to come.

Recorded 11/04/2015 • Posted 11/04/2015
Number 5 in the series Apocalypse of John

Who, or what, are the seven spirits of God? Who are the seven angels of the seven churches? The book of Revelation revolves around sevens: seven lamps, seven stars, seven spirits, seven churches, seven angels ... This teaching takes a plunge into first-century apostolic angelology to unravel the mystery of the seven spirits before the throne.

As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. (Revelation 1:20)

Recorded 10/28/2015 • Posted 10/29/2015
Number 4 in the series Apocalypse of John

Have you ever seen an angel? The apostle John encountered a frightening heavenly being on the Island of Patmos, but its not exactly clear if this was Yeshua or an angel speaking in Yeshua's name. Get to the bottom of the mystery of the Angel of Yeshua. This teaching compares the opening formulas of other pieces of Jewish apocalypse including the appearances of Gabriel in the book of Daniel.

Recorded 10/21/2015 • Posted 10/26/2015
Number 3 in the series Apocalypse of John

Does the book of Revelation describe the future, the past, or the future of the past? Why did many people in the early church want to reject the book of Revelation? This teaching summarizes different interpretative approaches to the book and examines the early church's theological objections to the kingdom of heaven.

Recorded 10/24/2015 • Posted 10/26/2015
Number 3 in the series Shabbat beShabbato

Abraham did not keep the Sabbath because he believed in God; he believed in God because he kept the Sabbath. That's the premise of this teaching about the Sabbath in Parashat Lech Lecha (Genesis 12-17). Find out how the Sabbath testifies, even today, that God is exists and God is One. Discover how Abraham's relationship with the Sabbath encourages the Sabbath-keeping Messianic Gentile today. Great inspiration for the Sabbath Fellowship House vision.

Recorded 02/03/2010 • Posted 10/25/2015
Number 12 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

Was Paul an apostate to Judaism and a traitor to the Jewish people? Reason Sixteen in the book Twenty-Six Reasons Jews Don't Believe in Jesus states that "Paul was the Source of Christian Opposition to the Jewish Law," but the allegations against Paul go much further, accusing him of being a Gentile, of being a closet Sadduccee and of collusion with Rome. This teaching challenges the pseudo-scholarship of popular anti-Paul writers.


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