Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 09/11/2020 • Posted 09/11/2020

The month of Elul is a time of God's accessibility. But Tishrei is coming up: a season of evaluation and judgment. In this teaching, learn how the Selichot prayers will help you make the most of God's accessibility during Elul so that you arrive at the new year fully prepared to receive forgiveness, pardon, and atonement from God.

Recorded 09/05/2020 • Posted 09/04/2020

There is an island in the distance, and it is littered with the bones of the kings who have been deposed to that place before you. There is still time to do something about it. What will you do? A teaching for the season of repentance.

Recorded 08/29/2020 • Posted 08/28/2020

Why do we recite Psalm 27 during the month of Elul? This teaching reveals a few of the secrets hidden in this potent psalm as we weather through the Birth Pangs of the Messiah. 

Recorded 08/21/2020 • Posted 08/21/2020

Israel may only appoint a king from among their brothers. That means that the Jewish people are brothers of Yeshua, our King Messiah. How well do you know Yeshua's brothers?

Recorded 08/15/2020 • Posted 08/14/2020

A parable based on Yeshua's teachings about forgiveness and the classic Chabad teaching about the efficacy of repentance in the month of Elul.

Recorded 08/08/2020 • Posted 08/07/2020

Beth Immanuel is on a mission from God. This message introduces a few of the ministries carrying out that mission and encourages you to support their efforts.

Recorded 07/31/2020 • Posted 07/31/2020

Why do we need our own mikvah at Beth Immanuel? This teaching revists the Beth Immanuel Mikvah Project, reviews the origin and meaning of the mikvah, it's relationship to baptism, and its application for both Jewish and Gentile disciples. 

Learn more on the MIKVAH EPISODE of Beth Immanuel's Am Yisrael Chai Podcast.

Donate to the Beth Immanuel Mikvah Porject: DONATE NOW.


Recorded 07/23/2020 • Posted 07/23/2020
Number 2 in the series Christmas in July

Yeshua said, "Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up again." This teaching goes deep into the meaning behind those words to reveal unmistakable correlations between Yeshua's death and resurrection and the Temple's destruction and ultimate restoration. Part two of the two-part teaching titled "Christmas in July."

Recorded 07/25/2020 • Posted 07/23/2020
Number 1 in the series Christmas in July

Have you ever had a bad day? Sometimes God uses the worst days to bring about the best good. According to an old legend, the Messiah was born on Tisha B'Av, the day that the Temple was destroyed. Here's part one of a two part teaching on the Messianic significance of Tisha B'Av and the destruction of the Temple with correlations to Yeshua's birth, death, and resurrection.

Recorded 07/17/2020 • Posted 07/17/2020

The three weeks this year are illuminated by the light of Comet Neowise, the latest sign and portent of the birth pangs of the Messiah. Here's a teaching about the new comet and its significance in relation to the three weeks and the coming of the Messiah. 

Recorded 07/11/2020 • Posted 07/10/2020

People with deep convictions can be characterized as "zealots," and zeal is a good thing ... sometimes. Here's another warning to disciples regarding the toxic social discourse and cultural divide tearing apart the United States of America with reference to the Fast of Tammuz and the three weeks. 

Recorded 07/04/2020 • Posted 07/03/2020

If salt loses its saltiness, with what will it be salted? Here's a fourth of July message for disciples for the Fast of Tammuz on the significance of the fast days and the mission of the kingdom. 

Recorded 06/27/2020 • Posted 06/26/2020
Number 6 in the series It's Too Jewish!

Rebooting Beth Immanuel after the Covid-19 shutdown, we come back together on Shabbat Korach and learn a lesson about our inner Moses and our inner Korah while working through the implications of Distinction theology in the synagogue service. 

Recorded 06/20/2015 • Posted 06/26/2020

The story of Korah's rebellion helps us understand a passage from Paul's epistle to Titus about "worthless and unprofitable arguments about the Torah." 

Recorded 06/12/2020 • Posted 06/12/2020

"Love is patient, love is kind." 1 Corinthians 13 wasn't written for the sake of flowery ornamental text inside a Hallmark wedding card. The original meaning of the passage within the context of Paul's discussion of spiritual gifts and revelations reveals new insights into the meaning of the famous love passge.  

Recorded 06/05/2020 • Posted 06/05/2020

An international pandemic, riots in American cities, Chinse brinkmanship, rivers in Russia turn blood red, canibal rats in the streets, the American flag torn assunder, the Washington Monument struck by lightning--it's all in another week of the signs of the times during the birth pangs of Messiah.

Recorded 05/28/2020 • Posted 05/28/2020

Why do we eat dairy on Shavuot and stay up all night studying Torah? What's the connection between Pentecost and Shavuot? Here's a quick overview of the festival in the form of excerpts from an unpublished manuscript of the forthcoming First Fruits of Zion book The Holy Days.

Recorded 05/31/2014 • Posted 05/28/2020

A forgotten apostolic tradition about "the three camps" of Israel puts us on the trail of an ancient teaching about New Jerusalem and the World to Come. This teaching from just before Shavuot 2014 was the basis of the article that later appeared in Messiah Journal under the title "What No Eye Has Seen."

Recorded 05/22/2020 • Posted 05/22/2020

Coronavirus changes the way we celebrate Shavuot this year. Here's a teaching about the significance of Shavuot in Messianci Judaism and the importance of keeing it on the map. 

Recorded 05/15/2020 • Posted 05/15/2020

Some thoughts on Ascension Day during Covid-19 and the significance of the ascension of Yeshua and his second coming. This teaching includes material from C. S. Lewis' book Miracles pertaining to the physicalisty of the resurrection, ascension, and return of Yeshua.  


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