Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 05/08/2020 • Posted 05/08/2020

For what sin was Yeshua put to death? With what transgression was he charged? The answer is in the story of the blasphemer of Leviticus 24. This teaching takes a deep dive into the subject of blasphemy and, along the way, untangles the confusing passage about the unforgivable sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. 

Recorded 05/01/2020 • Posted 05/01/2020

The nineteenth-century Jewish convert to Christianity, Adolph (Aharon) Saphir, a man mighty in the scriptures, was a powerful preacher and prolific writer possessed with extraodinary depth of spiritual insight. His book The Hidden Life consists a series of sermons based on James 4:8, "Draw night to God, and He will draw nigh to you." Saphir's powerful and almost lyrical teachings take the reader on a journey through the pracitical aspects of experiencing the "life hidden with Messian in God" (Colossians 3:3). Read by D. Thomas Lancaster.

Read the full text of the original book on here Internet Archive.

Recorded 05/02/2020 • Posted 05/01/2020
Number 5 in the series It's Too Jewish!

Changes are coming. What will Beth Immanuel services be like after the Covid-19 shut downs? Here's a teaching about Jewish/Gentile identity confusion and the transition from the One Law Theology synagogue service to the Distinction Theology model. 

Recorded 04/25/2020 • Posted 04/24/2020

Everyone agrees that we need effective Covid-19 testing so the world can get back to normal, but are you ready for the real Covid-19 test? Its a spiritual test, and if you pass it, you will never go back to being normal. This teaching for Shabbat Tazria-Metzora looks at the similarities between biblical leprosy and the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. 

Recorded 04/14/2010 • Posted 04/14/2020

On the last day of Passover we, remember the crossing of the Red Sea and celebrate the Meal of Messiah, a celebration of Messiah, his resurrection, and our hope in the coming kingdom. The chasidim teach that the last day of Passover brings spiritual insights and revelations about Messiah. Here's a teaching on the origin of the Meal of Messiah custom. 

Recorded 04/10/2020 • Posted 04/10/2020

Are you in love with Yeshua, or is your relationship merely a formality based on dogmas and beliefs? On the Sabbath that falls during Passover, we read Solomon's Song of Songs. Use the opportunity to take your relationship with the Messiah to a deeper place. 

Recorded 04/21/2019 • Posted 04/06/2020
Number 2 in the series Born Agains

The secret of what it means to be "born again" is contained in the story of the resurrection of Yeshua. This teaching from the second day of Passover 2019 unpacks the apostolic-era meaning of the term "born again" while urging us to take hold of "an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading." 

Recorded 04/20/2019 • Posted 04/06/2020
Number 1 in the series Born Agains

"Unless a person is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." So what does it mean to be born again. This teaching from Passover 2019 explains how being "born again" is a Passover experience and why the festival of Passover is the born again festival. Part one of a two part teaching. 

Recorded 04/03/2020 • Posted 04/03/2020

Signs of the times are mounting up during the Coronavirus epidemic. Are we in the birth pangs of the Messiah? Passover during the Coronavirus lockdowns urges us to engage with Messiah in joy and gratitude despite the end of the world. Here's a teaching to help you get the most of the Passover season this year while you wait for the arrival of Messiah. 

Recorded 03/27/2020 • Posted 03/27/2020

Locust plague, pestilence and disease, a river of blood, earthquakes and storms -- the ten plauges on Egypt? No. It's the headlines from the news. This teaching for Parashat Vayikra looks at the current signs of the times and the "Birth Pangs of Messiah" and tries to place it all in context.

Recorded 03/20/2020 • Posted 03/20/2020

The birth pangs of the Messiah! So what now? Whether your quarentined, under mandatory lockdown, or just stuck at home for Shabbat, here's a teaching about how to make the best of the Shabbat at home experience. 

Recorded 03/07/2020 • Posted 03/10/2020

Who are you really? Before we can begin to discuss the riddle of Jewish identity and Gentile identity in Messiah, we need a firm grasp on spiritual identity. This teaching from Shabbat Zachor removes the costume to reveal the real person inside you. 

Recorded 02/29/2020 • Posted 03/05/2020

Concern over Covid-19 continues to grow. This teaching follows the origin of the disease in Wuhan, China up to the present. What's our response as disciples of Yeshua? How should we understand the disease, and how should we respond? Join us for a day of prayer and fasting on Monday March 9, the Fast of Esther. Download the Petition for Protection aginst the Plague below, and add it to your daily prayers. 

Recorded 02/26/2011 • Posted 01/17/2020

What does the normal disciple of Messiah look like? Here's a challenging teaching on the difference between the average disciple of Yeshua and the normal disciple of Yeshua.

What does the normal disciples of Messiah like? He looks like Messiah. He looks like the Sermon on the Mount. He looks like the new life, the transformed life, the quickened life. That transformation, that new life that dwells within him, impacts everything he does, everything he says, everything he is, thought, speech, and action. The branches of his life are weighted down with the ripe fruit of the spirit.

This teaching is part two of "The Quick and the Dead."

Recorded 02/12/2011 • Posted 01/10/2020

What's the differences between "the quick and the dead"? With a chasidic spin on salvation, here's an important teaching about the soul of every human being and "The Quickening" that we seek as the disciples of the Messiah.  

Recorded 11/15/2019 • Posted 11/15/2019

The teaching from the first day of Rosh Hashanah on the subject of a woman's obigation to pray, efficacy of her prayers, and the power of a praying mother. 

Recorded 02/07/2018 • Posted 11/14/2019
Number 12 in the series Meet the Prophets

Forget about the summer blockbuster actions movies, we've got The Fall of the Evil Empire and The Bug Apocalypse. Pop up some popcorn and let's study the minor prophets Nahum and Joel.  

Download the PDF (below) for a copy of the original handout.

Recorded 01/31/2018 • Posted 11/13/2019
Number 11 in the series Meet the Prophets

What is "the Day of the LORD" of which the prophets speak, and what's the strategy for surviving it? 

Is not the day of the LORD darkness, and not light, and gloom with no brightness in it? (Amos 5:20)

Study through the prophets Zephaniah and Obadiah for insights into the biblical prophecies about "the Day of the LORD's Wrath," that coming day when God intervenes in human affairs, and discover the Bible's survival strategy. Dowload the attached PDF file of the original class handout.

Recorded 10/27/2012 • Posted 11/04/2019

In Judaism, the word "missionary" carries a negative connotation, but in the Torah, Abraham was the first missionary. This teaching learns from Father Abraham how to influence your fellow human beings with the light of the revelation of God. Rediscover a heart for evangelism. 

Recorded 10/01/2012 • Posted 10/18/2019

Why do we celebrate the birth of Yeshua on the first day of the festival of Sukkot, and why do we remember the day of the giving of his name on the eighth day of Sukkot? Listen to this teaching to learn about the literary evidence that points to early Jewish disciples of Yeshua celebrating the festival of Sukkot as the season of our Master's birth.



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