Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 04/22/2016 • Posted 04/22/2016
Number 17 in the series Apocalypse of John

The plagues on Egypt foreshadow a future coming time of tribulation when God will judge the whole earth, as he once judged Egypt. This time, judgment comes on all the nations, as God redeems his people from the nations. Just as the redemption from Egypt began with plagues, judgments, signs and wonders on the earth, likewise, the final redemption will be prefaced by the same types of omens, calamities, and judgments, which Christians refer to as “the tribulation” and Jews refer to as the “Birth Pains of Messiah,” leading up to the conflict of Armageddon, the great war of Gog and Magog.

Recorded 04/08/2016 • Posted 04/08/2016
Number 16 in the series Apocalypse of John

What is the meaning of the scroll with seven seals in Revelation chapter 5? What are the seven seals? Why is no one worthy to open the scroll? Discover the significance of the scene in Revelation 5 when the Lion of Judah takes the scroll with seven seals from the hand of Hashem.

Recorded 03/26/2016 • Posted 04/06/2016
Number 25 in the series Shabbat beShabbato

It's more than just a greeting. When we say "Shabbat Shalom," we are actually conferring a blessing for peace upon one another. This audio teaching, tangentially related to parashat Tzav, explores the concept of the Sabbath peace with reference to Yeshua's instructions:

When you come to the house, ask of it’s shalom. It will be that if the house is worthy, your shalom will come upon it, and if it is not worthy, your shalom will return to you. (Matthew 10:12)

Recorded 03/30/2016 • Posted 04/01/2016
Number 15 in the series Apocalypse of John

What are the four living creatures around the throne of glory? What is the meaning of the face of the lion, the ox, the eagle, and the man? Take a peek behind the veil at the throne of glory and the worship of the Almighty in Revelation 4. This teaching on the heavenly temple reveals the connection between the heavenly worship service and the kedushah prayer in the synagogue liturgy today: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts. 

Recorded 03/28/2015 • Posted 03/29/2016

It's common in the Messianic Jewish movement to state that the leaven which must be cast out at Passover symbolizes sin, but a closer look at the New Testament indicates a different symbolism at work. This teaching considers the spiritual significance of chametz (leaven) and matzah (unleavened bread) in connection with the festival of Passover. 

Recorded 03/24/2012 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 3 in the series Death of the Messiah

The story of the Last Supper compared with the traditional elements of the Seder meal as reported in the Mishnah help us recreate the story of Yeshua's last meal with his disciples before he suffered. Listen to this teaching to help prepare to keep the Seder in memory of the Master as he instructed us.

See the accompanying online article.

Recorded 03/04/2012 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 6 in the series Death of the Messiah

What does the death of the Messiah mean to you? What does it accomplish for us? This teaching takes a serious look into the meaning of Passover and being born again through Yeshua.

Recorded 04/19/2014 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 7 in the series Death of the Messiah

The resurrection of Yeshua is foretold in the Psalms. Just as Psalm 22 prophetically foreshdaowed his crucifixion, opening with the words, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me," likewise Psalm 21 pertains to his ressurection. This short teaching from Beth Immanuel's 2014 Resurrection Service offers insights into the significance of our Master's resurrection.

Recorded 03/29/2016 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 4 in the series Death of the Messiah

When did the disciples of Yeshua begin celebrating the festival of Easter? What's wrong with Easter? Why do Messianic people and Hebrew Roots people regard Easter as the equivalent of a Satanic holiday? This teaching dispels misinformation and junk scholarship about the origin of Easter while telling the story of the transformation from Passover to Easter.

Recorded 04/12/2014 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 2 in the series Death of the Messiah

Was Jesus’ Last Supper a Passover Seder? On what day did Yeshua die, and did he celebrate a Passover Seder with his disciples or not?

Yeshua died on a Friday, but what day of the month was it? And by “day of the month,” I mean, on what day of the biblical calendar did He die? Was it the thirteenth day of Nissan, the fourteenth day of Nissan, or the fifteenth day of Nissan?

Maybe this seems like a trivial question, but every year around Passover, I receive questions about the timing of the passion week. People want to understand how the story of the death and resurrection of Yeshua fits together with the biblical calendar and the festival of Passover.

Read a text version of this audio teaching here.

Recorded 04/05/2014 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 1 in the series Death of the Messiah

Yeshua told his generation that no sign would be given it except "the sign of Jonah." What was the sign of Jonah? Does the sign of Jonah prove that Yeshua was in the grave for three days and three nights? If Yeshua was in the grave three days and three nights, how could he have died on a Friday and been raised on a Sunday? Does Matthew 12:40 imply that Jesus did not die on a Friday? On what day of the week did Jesus die?

Read a text version of this audio teaching here.


Recorded 03/10/2010 • Posted 03/27/2016
Number 16 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

In Matthew 27:9–10, the Gospel of Matthew quotes a passage from Zechariah but attributes it to the prophet Jeremiah. The book Twenty-Six Reasons Jews Don’t Believe in Jesus uses this apparent blunder to undermine the credibility of the gospels. A closer look at the text, however, reveals an ancient and long-lost gospel-source behind Matthew’s error which offers us insight into the world of apostolic midrash.

Then was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, saying, "And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel, and they gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed me." (Matthews 27:9-10)

This lesson includes the original class-notes in a downloadable pdf format.


Recorded 03/03/2010 • Posted 03/27/2016
Number 15 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

Did the church invent the story of Jesus’ betrayal, trial, and death to vilify the Jewish people? Reason Number 20 and Reason 21 of the book Twenty-Six Reasons Jews Don’t’ Believe in Jesus claim that the stories of the betrayal by Judas are not consistent, that the gospel narratives contain irreconcilably discrepancies, and the story of the Jewish trial of Jesus lacks credibility. This teaching examines discrepencies in the story about Judas Iscariot's death and considers discrepencies between the Sanhedrin's judicial procedure of the trial of Yeshua.

Recorded 03/07/2015 • Posted 02/29/2016
Number 5 in the series Purim Audio

Come home to Lake Shushan for the new edition of Purim Home Companion radio show, recorded live in 2015. We reassembled members of the original cast and All Star Sandal Band to record a whole new show with all new episodes from "The Lives of the Cowboys," "Mordechai Private Eye," "The Ketchup Commercial," "Beebopareebop Rhubarb Pie," and "The News from Lake Shushan." Recorded live in 2015.

Recorded 03/15/2014 • Posted 02/29/2016
Number 4 in the series Purim Audio

The book of Esther is a book of secrets. Find out how the story of Mordechai, Haman, and Esther contains a concealed allusion to the story of the Master's death and resurrection at Passover. An important teaching from the Midrash Rabbah on Esther makes the connection obvious, revealing a relationship between the dynasty of King Saul, the first king of Israel, and the final redemption. 

Recorded 02/24/2013 • Posted 02/29/2016
Number 3 in the series Purim Audio

The Septuagint version of the book of Esther begins with a short apocalypse which introduces the spiritual war at work behind the scenes in the story of Esther. Listen to an important teaching about the concealment of God in this world, things transpiring behind the veil in story of Purim and the history of the Jewish people. A deceptively simple story about the revelation of the kingdom.

Recorded 03/22/2008 • Posted 02/29/2016
Number 1 in the series Purim Audio

A secret code hidden away in the scroll of Esther reveals a link between Haman's ten sons and the Nuremburg trials of 1946. The story of Purim tells the story of anti-Semitism and alludes to the spiritual forces of darkness at war with the people of God.

Recorded 03/20/2008 • Posted 02/29/2016
Number 2 in the series Purim Audio

It's time to visit Lake Shushan in beautiful historic Hudson, Wisconsin, where the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average. Enjoy Beth Immanuel's original 2008 Purim Home Companion radio drama and variety show, recorded live at Beth Immanuel. A parody of Garison Keillor's popular National Public Radio show A Prairie Home Companion.



Recorded 02/24/2016 • Posted 02/25/2016
Number 14 in the series Apocalypse of John

"Since you are neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth!" What does it mean to be neither cold nor hot? This teaching on the assembly at Laodicea contains several suprises including unscheduled visits to Proverbs 8 and Song of Songs. Find out what it means that Yeshua stands at the door and knocks. This discussion concludes the teachings on the seven epistles to the seven angels of the seven assemblies.



Recorded 02/17/2016 • Posted 02/22/2016
Number 13 in the series Apocalypse of John

Our Master Yeshua possesses the mysterious key of David, but what does the key of David unlock? This teaching about the message to the assembly at Philadelphia opens new doors of understanding and includes a glimpse of the prophetic new name for the city of Jerusalem and a new name for Messiah.

The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens. (Revelation 3:7)


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