Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 12/07/2016 • Posted 12/07/2016
Number 27 in the series Apocalypse of John

The seventh trumpet blows, signaling the big event when the day of wrath collides with the rage of nations. The temple on earth opens and the ark of the covenant is revealed. The kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of Hashem and his Messiah. In this study of Revelation 11:14-19, the seventh trumpet blast initiates a process whereby the kingdom will be established.

And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee. (Numbers 10:35)

Recorded 12/04/2010 • Posted 11/30/2016

Psalm 30 is called a "Song for the Chanukah of the House." This teaching connects the Festival of Chanukah with the Festival of Shavuot and the pouring out of the Spirit in Solomon's Colonade. An inspiring Chanukah teaching about the meaning of the festival for Messianic Judaism. This teaching was presented on December 4, 2010 for the eighth anniversary of congregation Beth Immanuel.

Recorded 12/08/2012 • Posted 11/30/2016

Why is it forbidden to make ordinary use of the light that shines from a Chanukah menorah lit for the festival of Chanukah? We are permitted only to look at the light and enjoy it, but not to use it for any mundane purpose, such as illumination for reading. Listen to a Chanukah teaching regarding the light of the chanukah menorah and its connection with the menorah of the Temple, presented to Beth Immanuel on December 8, 2012 in celebration of the congregation's tenth anniversary.


Recorded 11/26/2016 • Posted 11/28/2016

People often speak of "biblical marriage," but what does that actually look like? Learn about Rebekah's little-known mentor and why "love" is not a good basis for marriage in this teaching on Chayei Sarah from Aaron Eby.

Recorded 11/09/2016 • Posted 11/21/2016

The New Testament talks about being "saved," and in fact, our Master's name is connected to the concept of salvation. But "salvation" in its Jewish and biblical context is somewhat different from its use in Protestant Christianity. Find out how in this teaching from our Wednesday night Plugged In service with guest speaker Aaron Eby.

Recorded 11/16/2016 • Posted 11/17/2016
Number 26 in the series Apocalypse of John

Who are the two witnesses of Revelation 11? What is their function in the end times? This intriguing teaching brings material from ancient Jewish apocalypses to uncover the identity of the two witnesses and their mission. 

Recorded 10/26/2016 • Posted 10/28/2016
Number 25 in the series Apocalypse of John

What is the "time of the Gentiles" and how long does it last. This teaching on Revelation 11:1-2 provides the background for the command to "rise and measure the temple" and insights into the trampling of the holy city.

Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff, and I was told, "Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there, but do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months. (Revelation 11:1-2)

Recorded 10/13/2011 • Posted 10/19/2016

The "River of Life" that flows from Jerusalem in the Messianic Era is an important part of our eschatology and an important theme from the Sukkot prayers. Several of the ceremonies for the festival of Sukkot relate to the water of the River of Life, but what is this mysterious water of the kingdom? Listen to a Beth Immanuel teaching from the first day of Sukkot, 5772 (2011), explaining the mystical significance behind the Four Species, the oneness of God's name, the water-pouring ceremony, the great culmination of Hoshanah Rabba, and Yeshua's exclamation in John 7..

The belief in God and in His Torah will flow forth from Jerusalem to the entire world as a spring flows from its source (Abarbabnel)

Recorded 10/13/2011 • Posted 10/19/2016

How about a little seasonal teaching to enjoy while sitting in the Sukkah? A short teaching about the signifiance of Sukkot, the meaning of the Sukkah, Gog and Magog, the Talmud's view of Gentiles keeping Sukkot in the kingdom, and the festival's relationship to the all of the other festivals and the coming Kingdom of Heaven.

Recorded 10/23/2011 • Posted 10/19/2016

Toby Janicki demonstrates how the Festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) ultimately points toward the kingdom when all nations will participate in the festival.

Then everyone who survives of all the nations that have come against Jerusalem shall go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Booths. (Zec 14:16)


Recorded 09/28/2016 • Posted 09/29/2016
Number 24 in the series Apocalypse of John

John sees an angel straddling land and sea with the small scroll open in his hand. He hears the voices of seven thunders speak to him from heaven. He eats a scroll that tastes like honey but turns his stomach sour. In this teaching, we unravel these riddles and more as we prepare for the seventh angel to sound the seventh trumpet.

Recorded 09/01/2014 • Posted 09/23/2016
Number 8 in the series Romans

Why does Paul refer to the Torah as "the law of sin and death"? What does it mean to say that we have "died to the law"? This teaching tackles some of the most difficult material in the Pauline epistles to try to make sense of Paul's theology regarind the Torah.

Download the attached PDF from the original 2014 class to follow along.

Recorded 09/21/2016 • Posted 09/22/2016
Number 23 in the series Apocalypse of John

A fifth trumpet sounds. A star falls to earth. The star is given a key to unlock the abyss. (Not a good idea.) A sixth trumpet releases the four angels bound at the Euphrates. In this teaching from Revelation 9, we learn about who is in the abyss and we meet the hosts of Abaddon.

Naked is Sheol before Him, and Abaddon has no covering. (Job 26:6)

Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD, how much more the hearts of men! (Proverbs 15:11)

This teaching from Revelation 9 ties closesly to the material presented in our audio series Satan in Chains, now available from First Fruits of Zion.


Recorded 09/14/2016 • Posted 09/20/2016
Number 22 in the series Apocalypse of John

When the seventh seal on the scroll is broken, heaven falls silent for half an hour. The prayers of the martyrs rise before God like incense. Seven angels take up seven trumpets, and with each blast of the trumpet, a new calamity falls upon the inhabitants of the earth. This teaching from the book of Revelation takes us through the first four trumpet blasts--a prelude to the three woes.


Recorded 08/25/2014 • Posted 09/15/2016
Number 7 in the series Romans

What does it mean to be "under the law"? Conventional teaching understands Paul's use of the terminology, "under the law," to mean legalism. This teaching from Romans 6 takes a completely different perspective.

Recorded 09/10/2016 • Posted 09/13/2016

If the road to Gehenna is paved with good intentions, the road to Olam Haba is paved with good habits. At Beth Immanuel, we are bringing daily prayer and study, daily acts of charity, and regular attendance at the house of study into the daily routine. This teaching from Parashat Shoftim derives the obligation of daily Torah study from the laws of the king in Deuteronomy 17.

Find our daily study page at

Recorded 09/07/2016 • Posted 09/08/2016
Number 21 in the series Apocalypse of John

Are you ready for the coming tribulation? It's already here, and it has been underway for the last two thousand years. The four horsemen of the apocalypse have already ridden out; five of the seven seals on the scroll with seven seals have already been opened, and we are just about to see the opening of the sixth seal. Take a quick look at the first seven chapters of Revelation with this  season one recap of the Apocalypse of John.

And he said to me, "These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."  (Revelation 7:1)

Recorded 09/03/2016 • Posted 09/06/2016

What if spiritual growth was automatic and godliness was simply a habitual behavior? What does it mean to have the Torah written on our hearts? This teaching for the forty days of Elul about aquiring three new habits to launch 5777, a year of transformation. This teaching challenges the listener along with the community of Beth Immanuel to learn to use the power of habitual behavior to good use for personal growth.

Get on track with daily readings from Torah, Psalms, and Gospels:

Recorded 08/18/2014 • Posted 08/23/2016
Number 6 in the series Romans

What does it mean to be "baptised" into Messiah? What is the Messianic Jewish view of baptism? What do we mean when we say that we are "dead to sin"? This study in Romans 6 begins with an overview of the Jewish concept of immersion in the mikvah as a backdrop for Paul's discussion about immersion into Messiah, the new life, and the resurrection.

Recorded 08/11/2014 • Posted 08/12/2016
Number 5 in the series Romans

Do you know “the law of sin and death”? It’s not the Torah, it’s not Murphy’s Law, and it’s not the law of gravity, but it’s an important underlying principle in the Biblical worldview. Romans 5 introduces sin, punishment, and justification through Paul’s theology of Adam’s sin and Messiah’s atonement. Download the pdf below to follow along with the discussion.


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