Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 08/04/2014 • Posted 08/05/2016
Number 4 in the series Romans

Are you a son or daughter of Abraham? Abraham is the father of us all, right? Does being a "child of Abraham" make you the same as a Jewish person? Romans chapter four introduces Abraham as the father of our faith for both Jews and Gentile believers in Yeshua. This teaching contains discussion on Paul's one rule for all the churches and the apostolic teaching regarding distinction between Jews and Gentile believers.

Recorded 07/28/2014 • Posted 07/29/2016
Number 3 in the series Romans

What advantage is there to being Jewish? Paul lists lots of advantages, but exemption from judgment is not one of them.

This important study on the first three chapters of Romans makes sense of Paul's discussion about the Law, the Jewish people, the Nations, and how we all stand under God's judgment and in need of atonement and salvation. The discussion reverses several common assumptions about Romans 1-3 by clearly explaining the sequence of Paul's argument, the rhetorical devices he employs, and the specialized terminology he uses such as "under the law" and "the circumcision."

Click on the pdf file to follow along with the original notes.

Recorded 07/21/2014 • Posted 07/22/2016
Number 2 in the series Romans

Have you ever heard of "The Romans Road"? This lesson takes a few detours off the regular route. The second class in our study of Paul's Epistle to the Romans explains the concepts of faith and grace before launching into Paul's rhetorical diatribe against the godless Roman idolators--a rant which turns out to be a set up to turn the tables on his readers. This teaching also contains discussion on the Noachide laws and proselytes to set the stage for the ensuing discussions in the book of Romans.

Recorded 07/14/2014 • Posted 07/15/2016
Number 1 in the series Romans

All roads lead to Rome, and all New Testament studies eventually lead to the book of Romans. Maybe you have studied the book of Romans, but have you ever studied it from a Messianic Jewish perspective? A Jewish reading of the book of Romans opens new insights, turns old ideas upside down, and reveals the original intention behind the epistle.

This first teaching from Pastor Lancaster's 2014-2015 Bible study on the book of Romans introduces Paul's magnificent treatise by describing the broader histroical and literary context. In this Bible study, we review the apostolic history leading up to the composition of Paul's epistle to the Roman believers and aquaint ourselves with the broader issues inspiring Paul to write to the assemblies at Rome. Download the PDF file below to study along with the class at Beth Immanuel.

Recorded 04/28/2010 • Posted 07/15/2016
Number 20 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

Was Jesus crucified for being an anti-Roman zealot who was agitating against Rome? Does the Torah provide an avenue of personal salvation, thereby rendering the atonement of Jesus unnecessary? This anti-climactic lesson concludes our study of Asher Norman's book, Twenty-Six Reasons Jews Don't Believe in Jesus by briefly considering the closing arguments of reasons number twenty-five and twenty-six, including another tedious tour of duty through the wild-eyed claims of junk scholars. 

Recorded 04/21/2010 • Posted 07/14/2016
Number 19 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

Reason 24 of the book Twenty-Six Reasons Jews Don't Believe in Jesus claims that Jesus and the narratives about him were created by combining elements from the Bible with pagan mythology and mystery religions of the ancient world. Critics of the Gospel claim that the stories of Yeshua are recycled myths and pagan tales, but are their criticisms accurate? This teaching takes the time to explore a few of the alleged parallels between the story of Yeshua and stories from mythology, revealing a loaded agenda of junk scholarship which intentionally twists the truth.

Recorded 04/07/2010 • Posted 07/13/2016
Number 18 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

Reason number twenty-three in the book Twenty-Six Reasons Jews Don't Believe in Jesus states, "The historicity of Jesus is problematic." According to this claim, no historical evidence exists to prove that Jesus of Nazareth really existed or that he is anything but a literary fiction. This teaching answers that bold assertion by examining the testimony of Roman historians and considering the evidence of the believing community. Includes discussion on passages from Roman-era historians.

Recorded 03/24/2010 • Posted 07/12/2016
Number 17 in the series 26 Answers to 26 Reasons

Reason 22 of Twenty-Six Reasons Jews Don't believe in Jesus states, "The resurrection accounts in the Gospels are deeply conflicted." This teaching explores those conflicts to determine if discrepencies between the gospel narratives damages the credibility of their testimony. This teaching addresses the problem of the passion chronology, the last words of Yeshua from the cross, and other difficulties while also addressing the mysterious resurrection of the pious in Matthew 27:51.

Recorded 05/18/2016 • Posted 05/20/2016
Number 20 in the series Apocalypse of John

Who are the 144,000 "servants of the Lord" in the book of Revelation, and what is their role? In the exciting season finale of the Apocalypse of John, we follow the story up to the brink of the opening of the seventh seal. This teaching focuses on a discusion of the 12,000 sealed from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

And I heard the number of the sealed, 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel. (Revelation 7:4)

Recorded 05/11/2016 • Posted 05/13/2016
Number 19 in the series Apocalypse of John

The fifth seal opens and John sees the souls of those martyred "under the altar." The sixth seal is opened and "the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood" (Revelation 6:12). With the sixth seal, the tribulation on the nations begins, but not before an angel marks 144,000 from Israel. Discover the meaning behind the mark with which the angel seals the 144,000.

Recorded 05/05/2012 • Posted 05/03/2016

Did the apostles only give the Gentiles four laws? What about the other laws of the Torah? Why these four laws? Are they the same as the seven Noachide laws?

A discussion on the four prohibitions of the Apostolic Decree in Acts 15, their meaning and significance, and their origin in Torah Portion Acherei (Leviticus 17-18). Listen to the lecture that became the basis for one of the new chapters in the Ten-year Anniversary Edition of Restoration: Returning the Torah of Moses to the Disciples of Jesus.


Recorded 04/28/2016 • Posted 04/28/2016
Number 18 in the series Apocalypse of John

Have the four horsemen of the apocalypse already begun to ride through the earth? Who are the mysterious riders? Discover the identity of the rider on the white horse, and learn to listen for the approaching hoofbeats--the footsteps of Messiah.

Recorded 04/22/2016 • Posted 04/22/2016
Number 17 in the series Apocalypse of John

The plagues on Egypt foreshadow a future coming time of tribulation when God will judge the whole earth, as he once judged Egypt. This time, judgment comes on all the nations, as God redeems his people from the nations. Just as the redemption from Egypt began with plagues, judgments, signs and wonders on the earth, likewise, the final redemption will be prefaced by the same types of omens, calamities, and judgments, which Christians refer to as “the tribulation” and Jews refer to as the “Birth Pains of Messiah,” leading up to the conflict of Armageddon, the great war of Gog and Magog.

Recorded 04/08/2016 • Posted 04/08/2016
Number 16 in the series Apocalypse of John

What is the meaning of the scroll with seven seals in Revelation chapter 5? What are the seven seals? Why is no one worthy to open the scroll? Discover the significance of the scene in Revelation 5 when the Lion of Judah takes the scroll with seven seals from the hand of Hashem.

Recorded 03/26/2016 • Posted 04/06/2016
Number 25 in the series Shabbat beShabbato

It's more than just a greeting. When we say "Shabbat Shalom," we are actually conferring a blessing for peace upon one another. This audio teaching, tangentially related to parashat Tzav, explores the concept of the Sabbath peace with reference to Yeshua's instructions:

When you come to the house, ask of it’s shalom. It will be that if the house is worthy, your shalom will come upon it, and if it is not worthy, your shalom will return to you. (Matthew 10:12)

Recorded 03/30/2016 • Posted 04/01/2016
Number 15 in the series Apocalypse of John

What are the four living creatures around the throne of glory? What is the meaning of the face of the lion, the ox, the eagle, and the man? Take a peek behind the veil at the throne of glory and the worship of the Almighty in Revelation 4. This teaching on the heavenly temple reveals the connection between the heavenly worship service and the kedushah prayer in the synagogue liturgy today: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts. 

Recorded 03/28/2015 • Posted 03/29/2016

It's common in the Messianic Jewish movement to state that the leaven which must be cast out at Passover symbolizes sin, but a closer look at the New Testament indicates a different symbolism at work. This teaching considers the spiritual significance of chametz (leaven) and matzah (unleavened bread) in connection with the festival of Passover. 

Recorded 03/24/2012 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 3 in the series Death of the Messiah

The story of the Last Supper compared with the traditional elements of the Seder meal as reported in the Mishnah help us recreate the story of Yeshua's last meal with his disciples before he suffered. Listen to this teaching to help prepare to keep the Seder in memory of the Master as he instructed us.

See the accompanying online article.

Recorded 03/04/2012 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 6 in the series Death of the Messiah

What does the death of the Messiah mean to you? What does it accomplish for us? This teaching takes a serious look into the meaning of Passover and being born again through Yeshua.

Recorded 04/19/2014 • Posted 03/29/2016
Number 7 in the series Death of the Messiah

The resurrection of Yeshua is foretold in the Psalms. Just as Psalm 22 prophetically foreshdaowed his crucifixion, opening with the words, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me," likewise Psalm 21 pertains to his ressurection. This short teaching from Beth Immanuel's 2014 Resurrection Service offers insights into the significance of our Master's resurrection.


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