Deuteronomy 29 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Deuteronomy 29

A Heart to Know

Along the path on our journey to the Kingdom, we must acquire knowledge. In this lesson we learn about the Jewish concept of knowledge, what it means to know God, and the steps involved in gaining knowledge.

The Redemption Prophecy

Unlock the meaning of Yeshua’s good news message and the hope of Israel. A neglected prophecy tucked discreetly near the end of Torah holds the key. Take a look at the prophecy of the final redemption for which the Jewish people pray three times a day. A single chapter of the Torah, predicts the end of the exile, the final redemption, and the Messianic Era. This teaching was created and recorded for the First Fruits of Zion Friends Teaching of the Month for September 2021.


Are you carrying a heavy burden? It might not be just sin and guilt. This teaching speaks about the need to train the animal side of the human being and bring it into subjection. Part two of the Choose Life teaching and the conclusion to the Train Yourself for Godliness series, just on time for the high holidays. 

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Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

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