Luke 12 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Luke 12

Chametz u-Matzah

The holiday we usually refer to as "Passover," the Torah refers to as "Chag Ha-Matzot," the Festival of Unleavened Bread. A holiday celebrating the exodus from Egypt makes sense, but how did flatbread end up stealing all the attention? Learn the deep symbolism of matzah and its leavened couterpart, chametz, as we prepare for the Passover holiday.

Night of Vigil

If we are living in the birth pangs of the Messiah, when will the Messiah arrive? A look at the story of the exodus from Egypt provides a clue and insights into salvation and redemption. 

Island of the Old Kings

There is an island in the distance, and it is littered with the bones of the kings who have been deposed to that place before you. There is still time to do something about it. What will you do? A teaching for the season of repentance.

Endurance and Perseverance

One mussar theme pervades Yeshua's teachings, but it defies the typical categories of middot (traits) taught by the mussar masters. This instruction for life is the defining theme of Yeshua's message to Israel: Endurance and Perseverance for the Kingdom of Heaven.

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