Gaza War | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about Gaza War

What's going to happen in 2024 and the days to come? Here's a largely pessimistic assessment of the world as we stumble into the secular new year which makes the light of the hope of the coming kingdom shine all that much brighter for the darkness.  

The Festival of Hanukkah is called "the festival of lights," but it's actually a festival commemorating a war. In this teaching, we consider the biblical perspective on war. Is there such a thing as a just or ethical war? 

Jacob's vision of a ladder reaching to heaven upon which angels ascend and descend contains a hidden meaning about spiritual warfare, the exile of the Jewish people, and their inheritance in the land of Israel. This teaching connects the dots and reveals the mission of Yeshua to redeem the Jewish people from exile.  

The Secular Progressive Left and Islamic Jihadists make for strange bedfellows. What's the real story behind their common cause in anti-Zionism and their hatred for the State of Israel?

A personal perspective on the Simchat Torah October 7 Massacre, the Gaza War, world events, and the coming day of wrath in light of parashat Noach. 

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