Mussar | Page 2 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

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"Unless a person is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." So what does it mean to be born again. This teaching from Passover 2019 explains how being "born again" is a Passover experience and why the festival of Passover is the born again festival. Part one of a two part teaching. 

What does the normal disciple of Messiah look like? Here's a challenging teaching on the difference between the average disciple of Yeshua and the normal disciple of Yeshua.

Are you carrying a heavy burden? It might not be just sin and guilt. This teaching speaks about the need to train the animal side of the human being and bring it into subjection. Part two of the Choose Life teaching and the conclusion to the Train Yourself for Godliness series, just on time for the high holidays. 

Why was Yeshua called "a glutton and a drunkard"? Discover the meaning behind the cryptic passage, "We played a flute for you, but you did not dance; we sang a dirge, but you did not mourn," and learn about the path of meseret nefesh, asceticism, and self-control.

Loving God seems like should be easy. Unlike humans, he is perfect. There is also no doubt that he is worthy of our love. But there are serious challenges with carrying out the important commandment of loving God. In this class we learn how to overcome these challenges and what it takes to love our Creator.

One mussar theme pervades Yeshua's teachings, but it defies the typical categories of middot (traits) taught by the mussar masters. This instruction for life is the defining theme of Yeshua's message to Israel: Endurance and Perseverance for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Enhance your prayer life, enhance your spiritual growth, develop self-discipline, and improve your health, all at the same time! This teaching about fasting gears us up for the Forty Days of Repentance. Based on a text in parashat Ekev, we take a look at fasting not only as a spiritual discipline but also at as a source of physical benefits for health and longevity. 

Here are some useful links about the health benfits of Intermittent Fasting and OMAD (One Meal a Day).

Humility is one of the primary qualities of the soul emphasized by our Master Yeshua. The mussar teachers say that humility is the root of divine service, and a necessary foundation for acquiring any other good traits. While humility is often discussed, it is not always well understood. Learn how true humility leads to joy, courage, and inner dignity.

In this lesson, we take a first look at the idea of Mussar and the overall message of Yeshua. What is our purpose as followers of Messiah, and how does Mussar help us accomplish this purpose?

During the seven weeks of the Omer this year, Beth Immanuel is learning Rabbi Mark Kinzer's short booklet on the laws of proper speech: Taming the Tongue. There are seven chapters in the book, so we are going to study one chapter per week during the seven weeks of the Counting of the Omer. 

Download our "Counting the Omer PDF" attached below.


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