priesthood | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about priesthood

Who are you really? Before we can begin to discuss the riddle of Jewish identity and Gentile identity in Messiah, we need a firm grasp on spiritual identity. This teaching from Shabbat Zachor removes the costume to reveal the real person inside you. 

What does it mean that "the former commandment has been set aside" (Hebrews 7:18)? Does the priesthood of Messiah cancel the priesthood of Aaron and the Levitical system? This teaching explores the relationship between two different priesthoods in Hebrews 7:18-28, the Aaronic priesthood and the Melchizedekian priesthood.

The rabbis believe that Psalm 2 is about the Messiah. The apostles believed that Psalm 110 is about Yeshua. Find out how the two psalms intersect, and follow the apostolic logic to discover how the writer of the book of Hebrews derived the priesthood of Messiah. This teaching comes with a stern call to discipleship. Covers Hebrews 5:5-10 and includes a downloadable pdf file of the two psalms.

Do the sacrifices take away sins or not? The Torah seems to indicate that they do, but the writer of the book of Hebrews says, “It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.”

Dive into Hebrews 10 with an entertaining, fast-paced discussion of an apostolic midrash on Psalm 40 and it's appearance in the argument regarding the suffering of the Messiah as an atoning sacrifice for sin.

Was Melchizedek actually a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ in the Old Testament? Who is the mysterious priest and what is his relationship to Yeshua? This teaching retells the story of Abraham's encounter with Melchizedek and discusses the role of Melchizedek in Hebrews 7:1-17.

Anyone can pray, and God knows the thoughts of every creature. The difference between this world and the world of the divine is artificial, and God pervades all things, and all things are in him, so why would anyone need a mediator?
In the New Covenant, Yeshua acts as priest, sacrifice, and mediator.
Installment 36 in the Beth Immanuel Hebrews series finishes Hebrews chapter 9 with a discussion on Hebrews 9:15-28 and the Messiah's role as a mediator between Israel and God.

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